310 Firth Street
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
Senior centers are great places to meet for social, cultural and recreational activities. These centers can offer information and assistance related to local programs. They also serve a variety of social and recreational needs in the community. Senior centers serve multicultural and bilingual groups. Most senior centers are open weekdays and offer one or more of the following services: Meal and nutrition programs; Information and assistance; Health, fitness, and wellness programs; Recreational opportunities; Transportation services; Arts programs; Volunteer opportunities; Educational programs; Employment assistance; Intergenerational programs; Social and civic engagement opportunities; Public benefits counseling; Other special services
Service Categories
Education / Training, Employment Services, Food / Meals / Nutrition Counseling, Health and Wellness Services, Information & Assistance, Information & Assistance, Senior Center, Senior Services, Socialization / Recreation, Transportation, Volunteer Services