165 County, Suite 245
Rt. 519
Belvidere, NJ 07823
The Warren County Division of Aging and Disability Services is Warren County's designated lead agency and administrator of Federal, State, and Local funds to assist Warren County's older adults. All services and information are directly provided, purchased (through contract agreements) and coordinated by our professional staff. The Division is also the county's lead agency for the Aging & Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) initiative. We aim to ensure that information is understandable and services are easily accessible.
Our aim is to develop, provide, and assist Warren County's older adults, and their caregivers, by offering the options and information needed to facilitate, maintain, and promote their wellness, to continue to support their independence, their freedom of choice, and their dignity. The Warren County Division of Aging and Disability Services maintains the philosophy that older adults have the right to age with dignity, maximum health, independence and well being, and have a right to make their own life choices.
Service Categories
Abuse / Neglect / Exploitation, Adult Day Services - Medical / Social, Assistive Technology, Benefits Screening, Benefits Screening, Benefits Screening, Benefits Screening, Benefits Screening, Care Management, Care Management, Care Management, Congregate Nutrition, Food / Meals / Nutrition Counseling, Food / Meals / Nutrition Counseling, Food / Meals / Nutrition Counseling, Friendly Visiting / Telephone Reassurance, Friendly Visiting / Telephone Reassurance, Home Delivered Meals / Meals on Wheels, Home Delivered Nutrition, Home Delivered Nutrition - JACC, Home Improvement / Maintenance / Modification, Housekeeping / Homemaker Services, Information & Assistance, Information & Assistance, Information & Assistance, Information & Assistance, Information & Assistance, Information & Assistance, Medicaid ABD Re-determination Assistance, Medicaid FamilyCare Re-determination Assistance, Medical Services, Medical Services, New Medicaid Application Assistance, NFCSP Assistive Technology, NJ SAVE Application Assistance, NJ SNAP Application Assistance, Respite for Caregivers, Socialization / Recreation, Support Groups, Transportation, Transportation, Wander Safety System